
Connect with Airtable API without any coding.


Airtable is a modern spreadsheet tool with database functionalities. It is simple, user-friendly, and allows anyone to quickly create a database. It's one of the many tools that are rapidly gaining traction, so it's no surprise that creating Airtable REST API is highly in demand. Therefore, SlashAPI provides a connector to allow users to build and publish Airtable API.

Getting Started

After you create an account and log in to the dashboard, choose Airtable service on the collections page. To make Airtable API you need to provide your Airtable credentials on the Airtable creation form.

API Endpoints

Get Records

Get records from your Airtable base table.



Parameter Description
fields [optional] Only data for fields whose names are in this list will be included in the result. comma separated
filterByFormula [optional] A formula used to filter records. The formula will be evaluated for each record, and if the result is not 0, false, "", NaN, [], or #Error! the record will be included in the response.
pageSize [optional] The number of records returned in each request.
offset [optional] Pass this value to get next page records
sort [optional] A list of sort objects that specifies how the records will be ordered. Sort parameter are created as valid JSON documents. e.g [{"field": "Name", "direction": "desc"}]

Create Record

SlashApi also provides an endpoint that may be used to insert records into your airtable. This endpoint using the POST method and accepts an array of column names and values.


Request Body

    "data": {
        "title": "Some title",
        "content": "Long text"

Update Record

To update a row in a table, use the PATCH verb and specify the primary key as the identifier in your API URL path.


Request Body

    "data": {
        "title": "Updated title",
        "content": "Updated text"

Delete Record

To Delete a row in a table, use the DELETE verb and specify the primary key as the identifier in your API URL path.
